
Livinig on a Boat

This year I prefer to call our sailing trip „living on a boat“ or something like that. Despite some really great hours of beautiful sailing we were often restricted by the stormy weather. So the first days we were stuck in Schilksee which was quite frustrating. And as the wind finally calmed down after a week or so it had lost all of its strength. So we had to power the boat by motor to reach our first destination Großenbrode – where else 🙂 And the nasty and unpredictable weather accompanied us the whole three weeks: heavy rain followed beautiful sun and after gale suddenly no wind at all. The weather forecast wasn’t a great help either and not very releiable these days sometimes predicting 4-5 Bft. but in reality 8-9 Bft. were aready measured at local weather stations. Sometimes it was just the opposite. Although middle of August is already late in the summer, I’m quite sure these weather extremes are explicit signs of the climate change and I assume it will get worse the years to come. We did the best of the situation and decided from hour to hour, did some short trips if the weather allowed it or stayed in port and enjoyed life on-board or cozy chlling at one of the local bars. After all this worked great – but see for yourself.